Prestidigitation and Prejudice, or, Burn the Witch

By Jillian Hunter

System: Dragon Warriors
Players: 4-6

Adult Content: M
Characterisation: 3
Genre Knowledge: 3
Rules Knowledge: 1
Seriousness: 3

Sessions: A, C, D, F, I, K, L, M

The friars and wandering missionaries of the One True Faith teach that magic is dangerous, and they are not wrong. Tales spread throughout the land of warlocks and sorcerors who obey no law of God or man, and whispers abound of men and women who can bring the earth itself to rise up against the faithful.

In villages and towns from the frozen lands of Glissom to the Glaive, the cry of witch is taken up with bloodthirsty fervour. Gibbets are abandoned for stakes which blacken with the ash of those found guilty. After all, what devout man would stand in the face of the mob when clearly they are doing the Lord’s work?

The Church of the One True Faith teaches that magic is dangerous, and it's not wrong. Nobody ever specified exactly who was in danger.

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